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Commissioner's Note

Commissioner's Note

  • Oct 25 2:33 PM
    Lambwagon - Perfect Cell?
    BTErs are fags - The Silent Killer
    Trailer Park Boys - BuffaloBill
    DJPrisonRape - ???
    Maygnuechswon - ???
    my PhoENix IS rising - Maniak
    Jameer's Magic - jameerthefear
    Lamar's Team - Brizzly?
    Quincy Acy is GOAT - ???
    fuck jameer - Random_Guy
    Brown Stuff - Legends66NBA7
    Bcogswell - Bcogswell
    Alan's Team - iTare
    Jeff Loves AdBlock - jaydacris
    Ur'in'US - kNIOKAS
    Mogwai's - Brujesino
    Molloy's Boys - Shade8780
    Cactus' Sacks - HarryCallahan
    Not ballup's crew - ballup
    TFC Ultra - kaiteng (2013/14 Champion)